Festival of digital arts and culture, 19. 8.—7. 9. '20, Nomadic Hybrid Edition Festival
of digital arts
and culture
19. 8.—7. 9. 2020
Nomadic Hybrid Edition



OPEN CALL for artists in residence: Youth And A.I. – (Un)learning With Robots

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  • Deadline for applications: 18th November 2020

  • Evaluation of applications: 19th November 2020

  • E-mail address for sending applications: hello@sensorium.is (in the subject line, please specify Artist in residence: Youth And A.I.: (Un)Learning With Robots)

  • Residency duration: 7th December 2020 – 31st January 2021

  • Residency location: Slovak Design Centre – Inolab, Kollárovo námestie 10, Bratislava

  • Venue for accompanying events: Goethe Institute, Bratislava

  • Allowance: 500 EUR / artist, travel costs to Bratislava, accommodation (if not from Bratislava)

The Youth And A.I.: (Un)learning With Robots artist in residence programme is a collaborative project between the Goethe Institute Bratislava, the Sensorium Festival, and the Slovak Design Centre in Bratislava. These organizations invite two intermediate artists to spend two months in the Research and Development Department of the Slovak Design Centre – Inolab, where they will work on changing the NAO robot’s behaviour.

The aim of the residency is for the NAO robot to learn something new, or to unlearn something. The completed project will be open-source code, with at least one documentary or speculative video. The residency project examines the social, cultural, and political consequences of the technological era. In particular, it focuses on how the interaction with humanoid robots, and artificial intelligence in general, affects young people. They, along with other vulnerable groups in society, are the first for whom new technologies are designed and tested. With an artist’s critical reflection, the project aims to challenge the current design and use of this technology. In addition to criticism, it should also offer a playful and positive design, with applicability alternatives. We want to stimulate dialogue around issues such as: What does it mean to grow up with robots? How does the technology design process take young people’s perspectives and expectations into account?

Residents must be located in Slovakia (we will consider case by case applicants from abroad), and must have programming skills, or apply as a duo with one coder. Applicants should make full use of the entire stay (six weeks).

During their residency, they will consult and collaborate with a team of scientists in the fields of psychology, sociology and linguistics. In addition, it will be crucial to involve a group of young people in the whole process, which should play an important role in the development of the art project. These consultations can be conducted live or online, according to the current pandemic situation.

Project Output:

  • new capabilities of the NAO robot (in the form of code generated based on interactions within the project)
  • at least one video


  • NAO robot
  • computer
  • software and basic operation instructions
  • dataset of outputs from previous residency locations
  • more about the NAO robot

The application must contain:

  • Curriculum Vitae / Portfolio
  • a proposal for an art project (in English) that the artist plans to develop during the residency (max. 1500 characters). Must describe how this project will meet the residency objectives, and how the artist plans to involve young people in the programme’s development
  • image documentation

In cooperation with: Goethe-Institut, Slovak Design Centre

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