Festival of digital arts and culture, 19. 8.—7. 9. '20, Nomadic Hybrid Edition Festival
of digital arts
and culture
19. 8.—7. 9. 2020
Nomadic Hybrid Edition



Rachel Uwa

School of MA (US/DE)

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Rachel Uwa (US/DE) is founder of School of Machines, Making & Make Believe. Rachel is an artist, educator, and organizer whose background is in audio engineering and vfx compositing.

Over the past 15+ years she’s lived in and organized social justice and tech communities and events big and small. She feels compelled to help bring these two worlds together and make the tech world less daunting and more diverse, inclusive, thoughtful, and fun. Rachel's biggest desire is to see people living the lives they dream of living rather than the one they feel they ought to. If that dream life is more artistic, creative, socially-engaged, technology-embracing and connects humans to each other and to themselves, well, all the better.




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