Festival of digital arts and culture, 19. 8.—7. 9. '20, Nomadic Hybrid Edition Festival
of digital arts
and culture
19. 8.—7. 9. 2020
Nomadic Hybrid Edition



Safa Ghnaim - Tactical Tech

Data-activism (DE)

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Safa Ghnaim leads Tactical Tech’s successful Data Detox Kit project, building partnerships and leading workshops around the world. The Data Detox Kit’s friendly, non-technical tone and flexible approach gives people the space to choose their own Data Detox journey through controlling their data privacy and digital security, enhancing their digital wellbeing, and spotting misinformation.

Before joining Tactical Tech, she worked as an educator and editor, most notably editing and formatting the book Tatreez & Tea: Embroidery and Storytelling in the Palestinian Diaspora, which told the story of her family.

Tactical Technology

The Tactical Technology Collective is an international non-governmental organization based in Berlin that has been working in the field of privacy and personal data since 2003, combining activism, awareness-raising and projects that make complex topics more accessible to the general public.

It has produced multiple life-enhancing projects such as the Data Detox Kit, an eight-day guide that takes people through different aspects of their digital life and teaches them how to gain more control in the world of data. The Trackography is an interactive map that shows where the internet browsing data is moving around the world and which companies have access to it when you access different websites. The Tactical Technology Collective also created Me and My Shadow, a website providing resources and how-to guides for navigating the data society on your own terms. It encourages people to play with their digital devices, look a little deeper into their settings and follow simple techniques to boost their privacy protection.

The Tactical Tech creates final products that are user-friendly and open source, allowing their users to replicate them and contribute to their functions. As a small-scale organisation, it often relies on a collaboration with a community of volunteers, developing products, tools and art installations for the general public. The best representation of this approach is The Glass Room, a pop-up “tech store with a twist” that trains volunteers as “Ingeniuses” who then guide visitors through the darker aspects of their digital footprint.

Experience Tactical Techs' talk at the Sensorium Stage!



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